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2.40 GHz, 5 GHzMIMO Technology 3 x Network (RJ-45) Gigabit Ethernet Wall Mountable
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Ideal for new or retrofit installations, the UniFi AC In-Wall is designed to convert an Ethernet wall jack into a dual-band 802.11ac Wi-Fi access point with two Gigabit Ethernet ports. The wireless AP supports dual band simultaneous operation with wireless speed up to 867 Mbps on 5 GHz and 300 Mbps on 2.4 GHz. One of the two Ethernet ports provides PoE for powering and connecting a PoE enabled device. And its sleek design allows an easy fit with any room or office settings.
An intuitive UniFi Controller is included, which can be installed on the computers within the network. It can be assessed using web browsers, and allows you to configure, monitor and manage the Wi-Fi network with easy-to-use and user-friendly interface. Mobile apps for iOS and Android devices are also available, which put control right in your hand.
Ideal for new and retrofit installations, the UniFi AC In-Wall is designed to convert an Ethernet wall jack into a dual-band 802.11ac Wi-Fi access point with two Gigabit Ethernet ports.
Turn existing wiring into per-room Wi-Fi with the UniFi PoE Switch series.*
* Requires Cat5e or higher
An Ethernet wall jack becomes an access point, a gigabit switch, and a PoE power source.
Wire a workstation and power a VoIP phone. Or power a US-8 for even more Ethernet ports.
The UniFi Controller provides a graphical user interface for easy configuration and monitoring of the UniFi Switch and other UniFi devices.
Simple Setup
Download the app and set up your unit in under 60 seconds.
Know Your Network
Easily keep track of your devices, clients, and data usage.
Stay Secure
Keep track of all of your network security with constant reporting.
Best Seller Ranking | #3 in Wireless AP |
Brand | Ubiquiti |
Model | UAP-AC-IW |
Standards Standards | IEEE 802.11ac, IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n |
Wireless Data Rates | Up to 1.2Gbps |
Antenna Antenna | Internal Antenna |
Interface | RJ-45 |
Features | The UniFi AC In-Wall AP transforms an Ethernet wall connection into a dual-band 802.11AC Wi-Fi Access Point. It features two Gigabit Ethernet ports, one of which delivers PoE to power and connects an 802.3af device to the network. The UniFi AC In-Wall AP provides simultaneous, dual-band, 2×2 MIMO technology and is available in single- and five-packs |
Dimensions | 5.50″ x 3.41″ x 1.01″ |
Weight | 0.40 lb. |
Temperature | -10 to 50°C (14 to 122°F) |
Humidity | 5 to 95% Noncondensing |
Date First Available | January 17, 2019 |
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Ideal for new or retrofit installations, the UniFi AC In-Wall is designed to convert an Ethernet wall jack into a dual-band 802.11ac Wi-Fi access point with two Gigabit Ethernet ports. The wireless AP supports dual band simultaneous operation with wireless speed up to 867 Mbps on 5 GHz and 300 Mbps on 2.4 GHz. One of the two Ethernet ports provides PoE for powering and connecting a PoE enabled device. And its sleek design allows an easy fit with any room or office settings.
An intuitive UniFi Controller is included, which can be installed on the computers within the network. It can be assessed using web browsers, and allows you to configure, monitor and manage the Wi-Fi network with easy-to-use and user-friendly interface. Mobile apps for iOS and Android devices are also available, which put control right in your hand.
Ideal for new and retrofit installations, the UniFi AC In-Wall is designed to convert an Ethernet wall jack into a dual-band 802.11ac Wi-Fi access point with two Gigabit Ethernet ports.
Turn existing wiring into per-room Wi-Fi with the UniFi PoE Switch series.*
* Requires Cat5e or higher
An Ethernet wall jack becomes an access point, a gigabit switch, and a PoE power source.
Wire a workstation and power a VoIP phone. Or power a US-8 for even more Ethernet ports.
The UniFi Controller provides a graphical user interface for easy configuration and monitoring of the UniFi Switch and other UniFi devices.
Simple Setup
Download the app and set up your unit in under 60 seconds.
Know Your Network
Easily keep track of your devices, clients, and data usage.
Stay Secure
Keep track of all of your network security with constant reporting.
Best Seller Ranking | #3 in Wireless AP |
Brand | Ubiquiti |
Model | UAP-AC-IW |
Standards Standards | IEEE 802.11ac, IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n |
Wireless Data Rates | Up to 1.2Gbps |
Antenna Antenna | Internal Antenna |
Interface | RJ-45 |
Features | The UniFi AC In-Wall AP transforms an Ethernet wall connection into a dual-band 802.11AC Wi-Fi Access Point. It features two Gigabit Ethernet ports, one of which delivers PoE to power and connects an 802.3af device to the network. The UniFi AC In-Wall AP provides simultaneous, dual-band, 2×2 MIMO technology and is available in single- and five-packs |
Dimensions | 5.50″ x 3.41″ x 1.01″ |
Weight | 0.40 lb. |
Temperature | -10 to 50°C (14 to 122°F) |
Humidity | 5 to 95% Noncondensing |
Date First Available | January 17, 2019 |